Monday 9 June 2014

One way or another

I am a shoe collector... I believe that every girl should have as many shoes as she needs to match the outfits that she is wearing... In the past, shoes were used to protect the feet since the main form of transportation then was walking. Over the years, shoes have evolved from being just a feet 'cover' to a fashion statement. Sturdy-yet-stylish shoes are versatile wardrobe wonders.

When I saw these shoes from SuSu, I knew I just got to have them.They are not only fashionable and chic, the textures are also finely detailed. With these shoes, you can be assured that all eyes are gonna be on you as you walk down the streets.

SuSu ~ Ankle Shoes RED
SuSu ~ Ankle Shoes GREEN
SuSu ~ Ankle Shoes BLUE

Style Card:

Skin: Zoul Creation ~ Joan sk3 [NEW]
Hair: .Olive ~ the Eilfie Hair - Cotton Candies RARE @ The Arcade Gacha Event
Outfit: No Salvation Designs ~ Women's No Salvation Skull Knotted Dress GROUP GIFT
Shoe: SuSu Fashion ~ Ankle Shoes for Slink Flat Feet

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